c/o First United Church 347 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, ON K2A 0E7

Fall Meeting Bus Survey

Bus Survey

EOORC is exploring the possibility of running buses for our fall meeting. Would you consider travelling by bus?

We are considering up to three bus routes which would lead to Renfrew. Most of the stops would be at churches which would have a parking lot available. It would be a “park and ride” system. You could park at the stop nearest to you, use the washroom if you need to, and get on the bus for the rest of the trip. Buses which run for more than an hour would also have a rest stop along the way. Travelling by bus would help us to reduce our carbon footprint, and can be a fun way to meet new friends. If you want to ride the bus, you would need to sign up ahead of the meeting so that we have the right number of spots. (This survey is an expression of interest – you would need to sign up at a later time.) Thanks for taking the time to fill out the survey below!
Would you consider travelling by bus to and from the fall meeting in Renfrew?

If you are interested in taking the bus, which route would you like? (If none of the routes would be suitable, please say more in the "other" option below. Remember: the idea is not that the bus would stop in every community, but that we would use a "park and ride" system to reach the nearest bus.) Please note that the exact location of the stops may shift depending on which churches are actually available to act as stops, as well as where the bus can fit.

This is a preliminary survey, and funding options for the bus are currently under discussion. If you would be interested in taking the bus, what is the maximum amount that you would be willing and able to contribute?