Presentations at the Meeting
- Friday October 16th
- Opening Worship with Communion
- Anti-racism introduction to break-out groups
- EOORC Finance Report
- YAYA led EOORC Worship (no video) Oct. 16th, 2020 Please contact Dana Ducette at if you would like to use the full video version of this worship
- Afghans and Shawls
- Quilts and Labels for Veterans House
An Invitation
“How very good and pleasant it is to live together in unity!” Psalm 133: 1
Welcome to the third plan for this year’s annual meeting! Your planning team and executive moved from cancelling the May plans for Cornwall, hoping to still meet there in October to realizing that a ZOOM meeting was the best we could do. Some people will need to join us by phone so this is not a perfect solution but it is the only solution in these challenging times. If you know someone who cannot connect by computer please send their mailing address to Joel Miller ( so they can receive information by mail. We hope that what has been planned for the two afternoons will allow you to feel connected. We will have a chance to worship, do business, have conversation in breakout groups about COVID-19 challenges for our churches and racism in our own United Church of Canada and install our new president and executive. We hope you will experience our theme: We are all in this together. We hope we will all leave feeling blessed by our time together and hopeful for the future of our church.
Bronwen Harman, President EOORC
Thank you for attending the
2020 Online Annual Meeting.
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the anonymous evaluation
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Meeting Agenda
EOORC Annual Meeting October 2020
Meeting Decisions
October 16-17, 2020_EOORC Annual General Meeting_DECISIONS
EOORC Governance Document
(Ocotber 16, 2020) Revised EOORC_Governance Handbook