c/o First United Church 347 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, ON K2A 0E7

Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council

The Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council (EOORC) is part of the United Church of Canada. We acknowledge that our buildings and ministries are on traditional territories of Indigenous Peoples.
100th Anniversary Celebration2025 EOORC Annual General Meeting

2025 Meeting Dates

EOORC AGM – Saturday, June 14th at the EY Centre near the Ottawa Airport (We may also have an online session Friday June 13th)

We are also hosting a big celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the United Church of Canada. Your whole community of faith is encouraged to join us for this event on June 15th! More information here.

Fall Meeting –  TBD

Celebration of Ministries – September 27th, 2025 at Southminster United Church, Ottawa



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Find a Church

Visit our national United Church locator to find a community of faith in our region, or in the wider church.

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Pastoral Relations

Pastoral Relations policies govern search, selection, calls, and appointments between Ministry Personnel and United Church of Canada Communities of Faith.

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Mauris sit amet nisl dictum odio tristique vehicula.


Stay up-to-date on all the latest events throughout the regional council.

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Communities of Faith, Clusters and Networks

The Minister Supporting Communities of Faith, Clusters and Networks is offering a variety of workshops and conversation opportunities during the COVD-19 crisis.

Youth and Young Adults

The Ministry for Youth and Young Adults (aka YAYA) in the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council (EOORC) of the United Church of Canada and provide leadership and support for people between the ages of 10-35 years.

Visit the EOORC Facebook Group

For the most current news and information, please visit our open Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council Facebook group.


United Church of Canada News


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Contact Us





Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council

Please EMAIL or PHONE to arrange an appointment


Main Office:
c/o First United Church, 347 Richmond Road, Ottawa, ON K2A 0E7