c/o First United Church 347 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, ON K2A 0E7

EOORC 2022 Annual Meeting

An Invitation

Dear EOORC Family,

Life seems to be at a standstill, yet the days are zooming by.  Our last in-person gathering (Feb. 2020) seems to be a distant memory, but yet it feels like it was yesterday. On April 9, when I went back to Glen Cairn United Church in Kanata, the memories of Feb. 2020 flooded my heart and eyes, as these two-plus years have been difficult.

 I am reminded of Ancient Israel, going round and round in the desert attempting to get to the Promised Land – they did because God always brings us through. Sometimes what we need seems so far away, but we all know that God’s Blessings are always on time.

 COVID has not left us and echoes of war are no longer distant possibility, but the only things which keep us persistent and perseverant are the Promises of God. Prophet Isaiah (43:19) reminds us that God will make RIVERS gush out in the desert places of our lives and help us journey on – meeting our needs in every way.

 You have already received the link to register for our virtual gathering for May 27-28, and I extend a sincere invitation to register if you have not yet. One thing we have realized is how our respectful relationships are essential for our journey.

 Would you join us?  Come, let us journey on together with the assurance that the Creator, Redeemer, and the Sustainer leads us out of the desert and into the Promised Land.


Rev. Takouhi Demirdjian-Petro, President, Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council


Meeting Evaluation

Thanks for attending the meeting. Please fill out the evaluation.



2022 EOORC Annual Meeting, Draft Agenda 

Session 1, Friday Evening – May 27, 2022

6.15 p.m.     Meeting room opens (time for fellowship)

6.25      Technical and Procedural Instructions 

6.40      Gathering Music

6.45      Acknowledgement of the Land / Welcome / President’s Remarks / Constituting the Court /   Opening Motions

7.15      Message from the Moderator

7.25      Greetings from United Church of Christ (U.S.A)

7.35      United Church Bookstore (UCRD) 

7.45      United Property Resource Corporation (UPRC)

8.05      Interfaith Housing 

8.20      Stewardship

8.50      Affirming (Notice of motion)

9:00           Closing Blessing / Remarks / Time for fellowship after meeting 

Session 2, Saturday Morning – May 28, 2022

9:00 a.m.            Meeting space opens

9.15      Gathering music

9.20      Tech instructions

9.30      Welcome/President’s Remarks, Scripture & Prayer 

9.45      Governance: Receiving the Annual Report, Motions

10         Affirm Vote

10.15   Break

10.20   Gathering Music

10.25   Nominations/voting-motion

10.35    Pre-recorded Music 

10.40    Reflection on Theme & Living into the new Structures of the Regional Council 

11          Breakout rooms

11.20    Closing remarks

11.30   Closing Worship

  • Youth reflection on the theme 
  • Re-Licensing LLWLs, Memorials, Retiree, Milestones 
  • Installation of President
  • Covenanting with the New Executive, Leadership Teams 

12:00 noon          Recognizing the Celebration of Ministry Service

12.10    Meeting room stays open for time of fellowship