c/o First United Church 347 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, ON K2A 0E7

Welcome to United We Stand: the EOORC Campaign for Veterans’ House!

Watch a wonderful video about the Multi-faith Housing Initiative and the opening of Veteran’s House: The Andy Carswell Building

Veterans’ House is the fifth project of Ottawa-based affordable housing charity Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI). Construction is scheduled to finish in January 2021, and veterans will move in shortly thereafter. The EOORC is partnering with MHI to help with the fundraising efforts for Veterans’ House. United We Stand starts now and continues until June 2021. Your community of faith can help by running a United We Stand Sunday Service, encouraging congregation members to make personal donations, or running fundraisers in your communities for Veterans’ House. 

These churches have used the special service for Veterans’ House: Bells Corners United Church (Oct. 18), Carsonby United Church (Nov. 8), South Glouchester United Church (Nov. 8), Winchester United Church (Nov. 8) and Woodroffe United Church (Nov. 8).  Bells Corners, Winchester and Woodroffe provide their services online. Check them out!