c/o First United Church 347 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, ON K2A 0E7

Rev. Whitman Strong, BA; BEd; MDiv; ThM; Cert. Conflict Resolution/Mediation

Regional Minister for Pastoral Relations

Phone: 343-655-2924
Email: WStrong@united-church.ca

Whit was ordained in 1984 and has served in pastoral charges in Manitoba Northwest Ontario Conference, Bay of Quinte Conference and Montreal-Ottawa Conference. From 2011-2018, he served the church as Conference Personnel Minister (West) in Montreal-Ottawa Conference. As Regional Minister for Pastoral Relations, Whit will provide support of Ministry Personnel, working with congregations as they begin the search for a new minister, supporting Communities of Faith as they live out their ministry, working with Church Councils and M&P Committees in times of conflict, be a resource to the Regional Council and its Executive, and basically jumping in whenever and wherever he’s needed.