You are invited to Worshiplude 2025 – Jan. 31-Feb. 2 in Ottawa
New to Worshiplude?
Worshiplude is a winter worship and fellowship event for youth and young adults (ages 10+) hosted by the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Region (EOOR) of the United Church of Canada that coincides with Winterlude in Ottawa.
It’s been happening for over 20 years and is a combination of “Worship” + “Winterlude” = Worshiplude.
Individuals and Groups attend Winterlude activities during the day and then gather Saturday night for collective dinner, worship/communion and hang…until 11pm.
Cost: $20 per person
Funding available: Groups from within the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Region are welcome to apply for funding to support participant registration fees and travel costs through the Scrivens Baillie Fund. HERE
To Register:
Please follow the QR code or click here.