c/o First United Church 347 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, ON K2A 0E7

Spiritual Care Hospital Ministry (SCHM)

Hospitals in the EOORC area have reopened to visitors now that Covid cases have receded. Our volunteer teams are active once more visiting United Church patients, and Clergy are also welcome. If you know of anyone in the hospital who would like a visit, please let us know.

Spiritual Care Hospital Ministry (SCHM) is a program of volunteer spiritual care visitors serving hospitalized members of the United Church of Canada. Many patients who identify an affiliation with the United Church are no longer able to attend their faith communities due to age, illness or relocation, so the SCHM may be their only church contact. The SCHM provides spiritual care for those patients who desire it. While situated in Ottawa, this program is of service to the wider EOORC area since many patients admitted to city hospitals come from throughout the Region. The SCHM ensures that patients who are at a distance from their community of faith receive spiritual care during their hospital stay.




Spiritual Care Hospital Ministry offers EOORC:

-training, oversight and support of Pastoral Care visitors in hospitals which have United

Church teams.

-a voice in faith issues faced by hospitals, through our representatives on their Spiritual

Care Committees.

-a communication conduit between hospitals and clergy in the Region, regarding

requirements and privileges in visiting patients from their congregations.

-a communication conduit between hospitals and congregational Pastoral Care teams.

This is very rewarding ministry, and we encourage people to consider joining our volunteers. Spiritual Care visiting doesn’t require any special credentials or skills other than the ability to listen, and you will be provided with all the training and support you require.  If you are interested, please contact Sandra Copeland at sandralcopeland@gmail.com, or 613 829-6824.

Spiritual Care Hospital Ministry is interested in broadening its service to the Region. If you are aware of a local hospital that has a Spiritual Care department, or would like to start a hospital visiting program near you, please contact SCHM through Sandra Copeland.