YAYA (Youth and Young Adults)
Officially we are:
The Ministry for Youth and Young Adults (aka YAYA) in the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council (EOORC) of the United Church of Canada and provide leadership and support for people between the ages of 10-35 years.
YAYA also…
- Supports existing regional ministries and activities such as Worshiplude, CAMP AWESOME, RendezVous, Open Table, international trips as well as monthly programs and events.
- Guides in building YAYA programs through funding access and program development.
- Engages with community partners to strengthen networks, build resources and support other youth ministries.
- Organizes youth delegates at Regional meetings
- Promotes opportunities to engage in relationships with Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth and young adults.
- Works with the YAYA Committee, Networks and Clusters, Communities of Faith, and other Regional Councils.
Questions about YAYA: Contact: Dana Ducette

Overnight Camps
- Golden Lake Camp, Killaloe, ON
- Camp Lau-Ren, Deep River, ON
- Rideau Hill Camp, Kemptville, ON
Watch inspiring videos from: Camp-Lau-Ren and Rideau Hill Camp.
Camp Awesome
Camp Awesome partners with United Churches and their congregations to deliver week-long, Vacation Bible School style, day camp programming. Camp locations are throughout the EOOR, including the city of Ottawa and surrounding communities. Campers are cared for by trained staff, that will provide fun and engaging activities that will keep your camper busy this summer.
Visit the Camp Awesome website for more information: www.camp-awesome.ca
For more information please contact: Nikki Nel NNel@united-church.ca and/or campawesomeottawa@gmail.com
Rendez-Vous 2024
Hi All,
A little over 6 weeks until Rendez Vous 2024: Audacious Hope.
Where: Brock University, St. Catherine’s, On.
When: July 3-6th, 2024
What: Rendez Vous is a National United Church event for High Schoolers. There are workshops, activities, guest speakers and worship over four days and three nights and the cost includes all accommodations and meals.
See the Brochure for more details.
The Early Bird pricing of $425 has been extended and registration closes May 31st.
To register click HERE
Financial Support
The Scriven’s Baillie Fund in our Region offers;
- $350 per participant
- $150 per leader
Contact me if you would like to apply.
There is a National UCC Youth Travel bursary for Rendez Vous. Participants traveling from our region can receive $50 towards each registrant.
These funds are applied for and sent out after the event.
Together, there are funds available for;
- $400 per participant
- $200 per leader
The Region is not organizing travel for Rendez-Vous, as the cost to rent a coach was too expensive. Provided below are suggestions for your group to St. Catherine’s. Once at Rendez Vous we will find a time and space to gather to meet everyone.
- Megabus – Ottawa to St. Catherine’s
Approximately $40 (return)
- Via Rail – Train to Toronto then bus to St. Catherine’s
Approximately $200+ (return)
I will be traveling to Rendez Vous on July 2nd, and look forward to welcoming everyone at the event.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.