Refugee Support Network Event Refugee Support Network Event When: October 26, 2024, 9am to 2pm. Where: Glen Cairn United Church, 140 Abbeyhill Drive, Kanata, K2L 1H5. Registration fee is $15.00, which includes lunch, and is payable on the day of the learning event. To register, please answer the questions below and click “submit” to register. All of the information gathered will be stored by EOORC and by the Refugee Network for the purposes of registration and preparation for the event. This learning event will include presentations from the Refugee Sponsorship Training Program (RSTP), the Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (OCISO), and the Interchurch Refugee Group (IRG). Our presenters will cover: 1) the services of RSTP in preparing for sponsorship; 2) the wrap-around services from OCISO for settling newcomers; and 3) the key challenges of sponsorship finances and fundraising. After lunch together, we will share our wisdom about the role of the SAH and allocations, settlement work, and supporting our valuable volunteers. Refugee ministry ranges from preparing applications and facilitating co-sponsorships, to “sponsoring the stranger” through the BVOR program, to fundraising and volunteering for settlement tasks. Supporting churches and volunteers through education, and sharing our wisdom and experience, is the Refugee Network’s primary goal.Name(Required) Email Address(Required) Are you affiliated with an organization or church or faith community? If yes, please tell us which one. If you are not affiliated with an organization or faith community, are you an interested community member? Do you have any experience with sponsorship and settlement? Yes No What do you hope to learn or gain in attending the workshop? Are you directly involved with sponsorship and settlement? Yes No If yes, can you briefly describe your involvement?Do you require accessibility accommodations? If yes, please share. Lunch is included in the $15 registration fee. Do you have any allergies or food sensitivities? Yes No If yes, please describe your allergies or food sensitivities.