Communities of Faith offering Online Worship
- 4 United Churches (South Mountain-Hallville Pastoral Charge)
- Almonte United Church
- Barrhaven UC United We Stand Service – January 24, 2021
- Bell’s Corners UC United We Stand Service – October 18, 2020
- Bethel Rideau Ferry UC
- Britannia UC
- Christ UC, Lyn
- City View UC
- Deep River Community Church
- Dominion Chalmers UC
- Église Sainte-Claire
- Eglise St-Marc, Ottawa
- Elgin-Portland Pastoral Charge
- Emmanuel UC
- Glebe St. James UC
- Glen Cairn UC United We Stand Service – April 11, 2021
- Grace St. Andrew’s UC
- Grace UC Gananoque
- Kanata UC
- Kitchissippi UC
- Knox UC, Nepean
- Knox-St. Paul’s UC
- McKay UC
- Navan-Vars UC
- Orleans UC
- Parkdale UC, Ottawa
- Queenswood UC
- Rideau Park UC
- Riverside UC, Ottawa on YouTube and Sermons on website
- Rockland UC
- Rothwell UC, Ottawa
- Salem UC, Summerstown
- Seeley’s Bay Pastoral Charge
- South Gloucester UC or South Gloucester UC
- Southminster UC livestreaming weekly, 10:30 a.m. Sundays
- St. Andrew’s Cumberland UC
- St. Andrew’s UC, Pakenham
- St. Andrew’s Knox UC Bainsville
- St. John’s UC, Cardinal
- St. John’s Kemptville UC
- St. Paul’s Eastern UC
- St. Paul’s UC, Perth
- Stittsville UC United We Stand Service – March 14, 2021
- Trinity UC, Ottawa
- Trinity UC, Smiths Falls
- Trinity-St. Andrew’s UC, Renfrew
- Wall Street UC, Brockville, ON
- Winchester UC United We Stand Service – November 8, 2020
- Woodroffe UC United We Stand Service – November 8, 2020
- Zion Memorial UC