Current Opportunities
Opportunities in EOORC: Our region helps to support communities of faith and the work of the Church. If you feel called to serve in our region, please take a look at the vacancies available here: Motions Document – Updated May 29 2024. You can then fill out an online Expression of Interest Form for EOORC.
Expression of Interest Forms
Expression of Interest for Leadership Teams and Executive Committee
Nominations Team
The Nominations Team consists of a small group who meet during the year to ensure there are sufficient people to fill the various positions on the Leadership Teams and the Executive of EOORC to enable the work of the church to be carried out in an efficient and effective manner.
The mandate is found on p. 34 of the Governance Handbook.
Leadership Team chairs will notify us and we will post positions under title.
- Bronwen Harman (Chair) bharman*
- Karen McLean (Secretary) klmclean16*
- Rev. Susan DeHaan (As EOORC President)
- Takouhi Demirdjian-Petro
- Susan Hutton, DLM
- Rev. Michelle Robichaud
- Staff Resource People: Rev. Éric Hébert-Daly, Joel Miller
- Two vacancies
Please note: the ‘@’ symbol has been removed from the email addresses to stop scammers from using these addresses. If you want to email any of the people listed above, copy the address and replace the * with an @