c/o First United Church 347 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, ON K2A 0E7

A Special Letter from the Nominations Team – Spring 2024

Dear EOORC Members,

You are invited to take some time to discern if you feel called to serve at this time of the life of our church. We are about to enter into celebrations for our 100th anniversary. This provides us with a wonderful opportunity to look back through changing times and look forward to the next 100 years. Maybe the Spirit is calling you at this special time. Maybe you have someone else in mind. Remember that members of communities of faith can also serve on our teams and networks.

In Deuteronomy 34:1, we find Moses on a mountain top where he can see the promised land knowing that he will not enter into it. Picture yourself standing there, called to help others arrive there or dream of entering into it to help that future to happen.

Psalm 137 gives us this challenging verse: How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land? Together, we can find our own answer.

At this time my own call to serve is guided by a saying associated with John Wesley, who lived and served from 1703-1791 at a time of huge changes.

Do all the good you can

By all the means you can

In all the ways you can

In all the places you can

At all the times you can

To all the people you can

As long as ever you can

Check out our Regional Online Form and the General Council Form. You are invited to help plan and begin to live into the next 100 years!

From Bronwen Harman, Chair of the Nominations Team

P.S. You will see that our deadline for GC applications is in September. We encourage you to put your name forward as soon as you discern that you would like to be there. Please give prayerful consideration to being a Commissioner – it is a very important role.

Current Opportunities

Opportunities in EOORC: Our region helps to support communities of faith and the work of the Church. If you feel called to serve in our region, please take a look at the vacancies available here: Motions Document – Updated May 29 2024. You can then fill out an online Expression of Interest Form for EOORC.

General Council Commissioner: As the voting members of General Council, Commissioners serve an essential role in The United Church of Canada. Following the guidance of the Holy Spirit as revealed during the gathering, Commissioners set policy and take action on a wide-range of questions including those of doctrine, worship, governance, and public-witness. Commissioners elect the Moderator who will serve as the spiritual leader of the church until the next regular meeting.

Please complete your General Council Expressions of Interest and send them to Karen McLean at klmclean16@gmail.com.

Expression of Interest Forms

Expression of Interest for Leadership Teams and Executive Committee

Nominations Team

The Nominations Team consists of a small group who meet during the year to ensure there are sufficient people to fill the various positions on the Leadership Teams and the Executive of EOORC to enable the work of the church to be carried out in an efficient and effective manner.

The mandate is found on p. 34 of the Governance Handbook.

Leadership Team chairs will notify us and we will post positions under title

  • If you are interested in an opportunity, please fill out the Expression of Interest form and send it to
  • Bronwen Harman  (Chair)      bharman*xplornet.ca
  • Karen McLean (Secretary) klmclean16*gmail.com
  • Susan DeHaan                      susandehaannana*gmail.com
  • Takouhi Demirdjian-Petro      revtakouhi*terrautopia.ca
  • Susan Hutton (as President) suehuttoneoorc*gmail.com
  • Three vacancies

Please note: the ‘@’ symbol has been removed from the email addresses to stop scammers from using these addresses. If you want to email any of the people listed above, copy the address and replace the * with an @