Clusters, while not formal governance bodies, are central to living out the faith of the United Church. They provide a sense of community and support, doing things collaboratively rather than independently to serve their common purpose. This might include worshipping, learning and planning together.
Online Clusters
Online Learning Clusters
In response to Covid-19 social-distancing practices, since March 2020 we have been offering two online learning clusters – Opening the Book, and Psalm Circle – as a way for people to connect online and reconnect with scripture.
Due to the popularity of these learning clusters, they will resume in the fall after a summer break in July and August. Dates and additional topics will be announced at the end of August.
Innovation Cluster
Many communities of faith within EOORC are exploring new ways of being church in these changing times. This online innovation cluster is an opportunity for people to support each other and share learnings and ideas about “being the change.”
For anyone interested in wider innovative developments in the United Church of Canada, check out the EDGE Network for New Ministry Development website:
Clusters Resources
In addition to current online events, clusters can take a variety of forms in response to different contexts and circumstances. For example, communities of faith may form local cooperative clusters, coming together for mutual support and to share resources.
Resources for communities of faith interested in exploring opportunities for cooperation: