c/o First United Church 347 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, ON K2A 0E7

EOORC United Church Women

The UCW’s mission is to love God; foster Christian commitment, faithfulness, and spirituality; and promote respect and love for all God’s creation.

Any woman “willing to contribute her prayers, gifts, and services for the work of the Church” may join the United Church Women (UCW). Along with providing important networking and social bonding opportunities, the UCW has led discussions on, for example, feminism and restorative justice. Indeed, says former Moderator Jordan Cantwell, United Church Women are the “hands and feet” of the church.

The EOORC has UCW units in geographic areas from the four former presbyteries :  Seaway Valley, Ottawa, Four Rivers and Upper Valley.

For more information contact

Corresponding Secretary Kim Baird
bairdjk4@gmail.com or 613 362 0640
President Charlotte Hoy
Keeping In Touch - National UCW

Keeping in Touch – January 2024 Keeping In Touch Newsletter January 2024


Statistical Reports


Each year, prior to the National Annual General Meeting in September, the United Church Women are tasked with taking a count of UCW members. To this end, there is a roll-up process for the completion of forms, with deadlines at each step. For more information on why these statistics are gathered, please the attached document Every Number Counts: Every Number Counts – WUC Chinook Winds & Northern Spirit AGM 2022

UCW Student Gift Program

The Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional UCW’s Student Gift Program was created to give encouragement and financial support to candidates in their studies towards Ordination / Commissioning into ministry with the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Region Council and the United Church of Canada. Funding for this gift comes from donations made by United Church Women in our region. These gifts are given annually, in equal shares, up to the amount of $1,500.00 per person to all of the eligible applicants. Read more: EOOR UCW student gift application


Check back here for information about 2024 events


Please download the form, fill out and send as directed.

PDF version: UCW Individual Membership form

Word Version: UCW Individual Membership form