c/o First United Church 347 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, ON K2A 0E7

EOORC Newsletter

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Technical Help

Some folks on our EOORC mailing list have not been receiving the emails we send with regional news. Others have been receiving the emails inconsistently. This issue has been mostly affecting Bell and Sympatico email addresses. Bell and Sympatico are automatically deleting suspected spam instead of directing it to the inbox or spam folder. The easy way to fix this problem is to tell your Bell/Sympatico email program that the EOORC mail is not spam. This is done by creating a “Safe Sender” contact.

Please follow these steps to mark EOORC as a “Safe Sender”

  1. From anywhere in Bell email, select the gear icon gear icon in the upper right of the screen, and then select Settings.
  2. From the menu on the left, select Safe Sender.
  3. Enter the email address nmatkovsky@united-church.ca. 
  4. Select Save.

The steps above come from this website: https://support.bell.ca/internet/email/how-to-change-settings-in-bell-mail?step=2#step2

If after trying these steps, you are still not receiving the EOORC News, please contact Natalie Matkovsky at nmatkovsky@united-church.ca.