c/o First United Church 347 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, ON K2A 0E7


Three Courts: a new governance model for The United Church of Canada

As of January 1, 2019, The United Church of Canada adopted a three-council structure, consisting of communities of faith, regional councils and a denominational council.  Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council is one of 16 new regional councils in The United Church of Canada, replacing former conferences and presbyteries.

The Manual of The United Church of Canada, 2024 edition, effective January 1, 2024.

Executive and General Meeting Minutes
Executive and Leadership Teams

EOORC Executive and Leadership Teams

Nominations List May 2024

EOORC Executive

(L) – Lay member; (MP) Ministry Personnel

  1. President –Susan DeHaan (MP) (2026)
  2. Past-President – Sue Hutton (MP) (2026)
  3. President-Elect – Rev. Cindy Casey (MP)
  4. Indigenous Community Representation – Rev. Nancy Best (MP)

Members at large:

  1. Jim Allen (L) (2025) second term
  2. Cathy Ryan (L) (2026) second term
  3. Rev. Ryan Kim (MP) (2025) first term
  4. Rev. Erin McIntyre (MP) (2026) first term
  5. Micheline Montreuil, Diaconal Minister (MP) (2027)
  6. Liz Church (L) (2027) second term
  7. Nancy Hazen (L) (2025) first term
  8. Sue Smarkala (L) (2027) First term
  9. Gayle Barks(L) (2026) first term

Full member: Rev. Éric Hébert-Daly (Regional Council Executive Minister)

Corresponding Members: Joel Miller (Assistant to RCEM and Secretary of Region), Rev. Mary Royal-Duczek (Community of Faith and Network Support Minister) Rev. Natalie Matkovsky (Communications Assistant), Dana Ducette (Youth), Rev. Whit Strong (Pastoral Relations), Rev. Caroline Penhale (Office of Vocation, Candidacy Pathways), and Rev. Brian Cornelius (Treasurer) 

Leadership Teams

  1. Nominations: Bronwen Harman (Chair), Rev. Michelle Robichaud, Karen McLean, Rev. Takouhi Demirdjian-Petro, Sue Hutton, DLM, Rev. Susan DeHaan – as President (Resource: Rev. Éric Hébert-Daly, Joel Miller) 2 vacancies (diversity in the Regions is missing)
  2. Pastoral Relations: Wayne Harris (Chair), Ina Bromley, Charlotte Hoy, Sharon MacDonald, Jim Allen, Rev. Patsy Henry, Rev. Erin McIntyre, Rev. Don Stiles, Linda Suddaby, Micheline Montreuil, D.M., Rev. Blair Paterson and Karen McLean (recording secretary) (Resource: Rev. Whit Strong) 1-3 vacancies – all MP
  3. Future Through Property Leadership Team Phyllis MacRae (Chair), Rev. Takouhi Demirdjian-Petro, Ted Brett, Jim Allen (Resource: Rev. Éric Hébert-Daly) 2-4 vacancies preferably from Seaway Valley and Upper Valley
  4. General Meetings/Educational Event Planning Leadership Team: vacant (Chair), Sue Hutton, DLM, (Past-President), Rev. Susan DeHaan (President), (Past-President), Pat Mayberry, Gary McKay, David Patterson, Karen McLean – 6-8 vacancies (diversity to include youth leadership)
  5. Church Extension: Directors: Mike Velichka, David Debenham, Alan Gale, Don Reynolds; Members: Catherine Grant, Judy Harms-Potter, Linda Suddaby, Ted Brett, Kevin Moratz; EOORC Appointments: Brian Cornelius (Resource: Rev. Éric Hébert-Daly)
  6. Ministry Personnel Support Leadership Team: Rev Paul Dillman, Rev Jenni Leslie, Rev Terrie Chedore, Rev Lynne Gardiner, Rev Zacharia Mandara, Rev Whit Strong (Resource)
  7. Communications: Lois Leroux, Rev. Takouhi Demirdjian-Petro and David Patterson (Resource: Rev. Natalie Matkovsky)
  8. Finance: Brian Cornelius (Treasurer), Bruce Jackson, Joe Smarkala, Evered (Ev) Zytveld, Rev. Cindy Casey, Christine Kilburn, (Resource: Rev. Éric Hébert-Daly) – 1 vacancy.
  9.  Licensed Lay worship Leaders (LLWL): Rev. Dr. Teresa Burnett-Cole (co-chair), Sharon Sanderson (co-chair), Rev. Georgina Fitzgerald, Sharon MacDonald, Cathy Ryan, Julee Pauling,  and Terrie Chedore, Diaconal Minister, (Resource: Rev. Whit Strong) – 3 vacancies, 1 more LLWL and 2 Lay non LLWL
  10. Scrivens-Baillie: Malcolm Collins (chair) Ryan Babcock, Ken Browness, Rev. Brian Cornelius, Larry Richardson, and Ev Zytveld (Resource: Rev. Éric Hébert-Daly) – 2 vacancies
  11.  Vision & Transformation: Rev. Cindy Casey (Chair), Charles Barrett, Phyllis MacRae, Janice Peron, Deb Poirier, Christine Cross-Barkley, Rev. Melany Cassidy-Wise, Rev. Michelle Robichaud and Rev. Sheryl McLeod (Staff Resource: )
  12. YAYA: Rev. David Sherwin (Chair), Rev. Steve Clifton, Rev. Heather McLurg-Murphy, Cathy Ryan, Hazel Ward-Moreau, Janet Nield (DM), Margaret Eddy, Rev. Kevin Moratz, and Rev. Tiina Cote (Resource: Dana Ducette)
  13. Equity Leadership Team: Rev. Michelle Robichaud – 4 vacancies
  14. Social Justice Network of Ontario Regional Councils: Charles Barrett (Chair) (Resource: )
  15. Stewardship: Carolyn Ruda, Charlotte Hoy, Ray Lebeau, Nancy Hazen, Paul Sales and Carolle Dallas-Arbuckle and David Charles (Resource: Rev. Roger Janes)
  16. Representative to The Ottawa School of Theology and Spirituality: Paul Whynacht
  17. Affirming Leadership Team: Linda Stronski, Cathy Ryan, Bronwen Harman, Kim Baird, Rev. Michelle Robichaud and Roxanne Akhtar (Resource: )
  18. Representatives to Multi-Faith Housing: Sue Smarkala

18. Spiritual Care Hospital Ministry Leadership Team: Sandra Copeland (Chair) Rev. Brian Copeland, Jane Burgess, Margaret Joyce, Doug Collins, Jeremy Geelen and Richard Johnston

Governance Handbook

Governance Handbook

Download the Governance Handbook (English): 2023-11-23 EOORC_Governance Handbook

Download Manuel de gouvernance pour le Conseil régional de l’Outaouais et de l’Est de l’Ontario de l’Église Unie du Canada: EOORC_Manuel de gouvernance



Finance Reports
Holy Manners

What We Say and How We Say It — A message from the EOORC Executive — January 2022

With a new year just beginning, we feel this is a good time to remind EOORC members of the importance of communicating with each other in the manner that befits a Christian community. When speaking at meetings, worship services, on the phone, in emails and surveys, honest and respectful communication will always help us achieve our goals more effectively. It is particularly important to be mindful of what we say when so much of what we do at this time is virtual or electronic, and, as such, seems faceless and even anonymous.

The United Church of Canada has adopted Holy Manners as a way to effectively support communication within our faith community. Holy Manners remind us that we are called into community with God at the centre. It describes healthy ways to speak with each other so that love and respect are first and foremost in our minds. Some of the Holy Manners are:

  • keep God at the centre of everything we do,
  • each speak for ourselves,
  • speak for a purpose,
  • separate people from problems,
  • welcome the conflict of ideas,
  • honour the decisions of the body, and
  • commit to holding one another to account when we do not keep our holy manners

Holy Manners can be found on p. 192 of the 2022 Manual. Please take a few moments to prayerfully reflect on them and consider how we can be a healthy and loving community. Thank you.